The design inspiration for Arden was born in the '90's and of necessity. In one of my many yarn trawls, I poked through a shop in Calistoga, California that is now no longer there. At the time, it was chock full of yarns, some of which were unusual. This visit took place in the pre-internet days when yarn was not all that readily available outside of a LYS, apart from a handful of catalogs. There wasn't even eBay at that point. In any case, I spent some time poking through bins and ended up buying two big mohair muffs of yarn by Patons called "Knit n Save". The muffs were a full 450 grams of yarn: enough for a whole garment. They were both ombred--one in blues to greens and the other in reds to hot pinks. There was a sweater pattern on the ball band, and I knit it up in the blue/green yarn. It was pretty typical of the early 1990's--oversized and fuzzy. I did a decent job knitting it, but frankly, I hated it. It was baggy, shapeless and unflattering. I had intended to knit up both balls, but decided I wasn't going to waste my time on another sweater of a pattern I hated. I also wanted to preserve the ombred color run, rather that knit separate pieces and therefore break up the colors.
So there I was, pre-internet, pre-Ravelry, pre-eBay. I had pattern books, but none had a sweater pattern that met my needs. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention, so if I wanted something specific, I had to create it myself. I decided to make a cardigan/shrug thingie, but really I was flying blind. It was my first foray into circular knitting as well. I decided that a cuff-to-cuff approach was my best bet. I picked a gauge I liked and started knitting. It really was weird--a series of increases and decreases, and finally knitting back and forth for the opening because I was determined not to cut the yarn. I had, not very long previous, knitted a Sandy Black design in mohair called "Triangles" and I had learned a technique for that to make a knitted welt that I really loved the effect of.
It entailed knitting several rows and then picking up the stitches in the back and knitting them with the live stitches, creating a knitted tube built into the fabric. I had a bunch of black mohair and decided to trim the sweater with welts knitted in black. Since I had a very limited amount of yarn I was pretty constrained and I can tell you I had NONE of the Patons mohair left by the end. I added a decorative patch of dark red at each cuff flanked by welts, but that was leftover Ironstone mohair from the Triangles sweater. I finished my sweater off with two black snaps in the front, creating a crossover that was invisible. Of course, while making this I wrote nothing down. I just knit. I was very proud of that sweater. I still am. The construction was not like anything I had seen. Even today, there is nothing really like it on Ravelry.